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Saint Louis University School of 社会工作

Saint Louis University's School of 社会工作 provides students an academic experience rooted in research, real-world experience and a focus on humanity.

Built upon an unwavering commitment to social justice, 博彩网址大全的 School of 社会工作 is a leader in integrating practice and education with faculty members who have made substantial contributions to the profession. Interactive teaching methods integrate community‐based practice with classroom activities and discussions.


Founded in 1930, the school has since expanded its academic offerings to include 项目 in applied behavior analysis, urban planning and development, criminology and criminal justice while maintaining its highly-ranked social work 项目.

  • 博彩网址大全的 社会工作硕士.S.W.) 程序 is ranked nationally in the top 13% of social work 项目.
  • 博彩网址大全的 Master of Arts 犯罪学和刑事司法 (M.A.C.C.J.) 程序 uniquely focuses on the humanity of those involved in and impacted by crime and violence and provides students the opportunity to serve in the St. 路易社区.
  • 博彩网址大全的 Master of Science 应用行为分析 (M.S.A.B.A.) graduates have a Board Certified Behavior Analyst Examination pass rate of 87%, significantly 高于全国平均水平.
  • Our 项目 have formed partnerships with a wide variety of agencies and organizations 到处都是. 路易斯市和圣. Louis County to provide students with diverse options for their internship and/or externship experiences.
  • Many of our 项目 offer accelerated options, honors courses and minors.

Submit An Application to 社会工作学院


Saint Louis University recently reduced this 程序's tuition through a major strategic investment to increase the number of individuals committed to enhancing healthy communities. Through our social work, criminal justice and applied behavior analysis 项目, 社会工作学院 is committed to furthering this mission. 我们现在提供包装 pricing where there are no additional fees, your tuition is locked in for the 课程持续时间. 我们新的统一学费定价是:

  • 攻读硕士学位的学生4.8万美元.S.W. who have an undergraduate degree in something other than social work (Foundational M.S.W.).
  • 攻读硕士学位者3万美元.S.W. with a Bachelor of Science in 社会工作 from a CSWE-accredited undergraduate 程序 and who earned a B or better in their social 工作的课程. (先进站).
  • 那些追求我们M.S.A.B.A. 程序.
  • 33,000美元用于追求我们的M.A.C.C.J. 程序. 

100% of new graduate students beginning in 2023 will receive scholarship support thanks to our generous alumni and benefactors. You may also qualify for federal graduate student loans and apply for assistantship and fellowship opportunities. 另外,传入的 students receive one semester of paid practicum experience while fulfilling course 需求.







Undergraduate, graduate and certificate 项目

